Property For Lease

Stoney Beach Farm, located on Old Mission Peninsula, Traverse City, Michigan is downsizing its operations.  Our 60 year old family farm, once home to cherry orchards and other small fruits, has 40 acres of south facing fallow land available for lease on the north side of Gray Road at the intersection of M-37 (Center Road).  The land is ideal for fruit production or other agricultural endeavors, including a winery.  The property has been preserved from development.  Features include a high capacity ag well and underground irrigation.


Additional available Stoney Beach Farm property lease consideration include:

1. an established country bed and breakfast with views of East Grand Traverse Bay and access to the farm owned beach; it can also serve as a single family dwelling,

2. a several thousand square foot refurbished barn used for various ag purposes, including a fresh fruit farm market,

3. additional acreage on the south side of Gray Road,

4. an established small animal farm with buildings,


If you would like to discuss any or all of these opportunities, please contact Chuck Goodman at 231-590-7255 or by email at